Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vicarious Living

Cafe with Eiffel Tower, Paris

What is it about looking at photos and pictures that gives us the greatest joy? I am sure it is in part, the memories that they conjour up. But I believe it is also something about looking through the eyes of someone else and seeing a bit of their vision, their joy.

Lately I have been looking at so many of the Daily Photo Blogs. Paris Daily Photo, Glimpses of South Pasadena just to name a couple. There are so many places I want to travel to and just by getting a glimpse of the cities, it is almost like I know these places, and have made new friends. It is interesting, if I know someone in that particular city that I am looking at, I somehow feel closer to that person, as if I can say I know where you go and see what you see!

What a wonderful way to connect and share. Someday I hope to take my own pictures, in wonderful far away places, but for now I will just live through the camera who takes them.

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